I’m a mathematician primarily working in algebraic geometry, currently at the University of Ferrara under Professor Alex Massarenti. Previously I worked at the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati under a SISSA Mathematical Fellowship,
I’m interested in birational geometry, moduli spaces, quivers, Grothendieck rings, Fano schemes, and Hodge theory.
Before arriving in Trieste, I completed a DPhil in Mathematics at the University of Oxford.
This website is permanently under construction.
Contact: sorengammelgaard95[at]gmail[dot]com
Other things:
Matematisk Ordliste
This is the Norwegian Language Council’s dictionary for mathematical terms (written as a collaboration between the Norwegian Mathematics Council, the University of Oslo, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and the Univeristy of Agder. I contributed about 250 translations for terms relating to algebraic geometry.